Psychology Dictionary
Dictionary of Psychology Terms
Dictionary of psychology

Psychology Terms defined from A to Z

Psychology selected terms: 128 page 2 of 6

26. Lapsus Is an involuntary mistake made while writing or speaking. According to Freud, in his early psychoanalytic theory it represents a missed deed that hides an unconscious desire. In literature More… 1.8 KB
27. Large Group Awareness Training Abbr.(LGAT) ir refers to training offered by some groups in what some call the human potential movement. By using LGAT techniques, these providers claim to (among other things) increase More… 0.7 KB
28. Large group communication Is a general description for organizational communication as a communication context describing large numbers of individuals who are members of a group. Large group contexts can include More… 0.6 KB
29. Larry Beutler Dr. Beutler received his PhD from the University of Nebraska and subsequently served on the faculties of Duke University Medical Center, Stephen F. Austin State University, Baylor College of More… 1.5 KB
30. Lashley Karl American psychologist (1890 - 1958), Born in davis, West virginia, Lashley received his professional education at the university of Pittsburgand at johns Hopkins, where he received the Ph.D. More… 1.0 KB
31. Latah latah a mental disorder characterized by excitement and great suggestibility, with hallucinations of sexual content. The disorder is frequently observed among women in Malaya.
32. Latency a condition of inactivity between the application of a stimulus and the onset of a response. See also: Latency period, Latency stage, Latent content
33. Latency period Latency period : A stage in the psychosexual development from the years 6 to 12, during which sexuality is deemphasized in favor of more acceptable academic and extracurricular activities. More… 0.5 KB
34. Latency stage Freud describes in his model of psychosexual development five stages. In this model the latency period is the fourth stage. The other stages are the 'oral phase' (first stage), the More… 3.5 KB
35. Latent 1- hidden; not manifest, as the latent material in a dream. 2- not manifest in development or behavior but potentially present. Sexual behavior in young children may be said to be latent in More… 0.4 KB
36. Latent content (psychoanalyse); the hidden content of a dream that must be brought out during analysis by means of free association. Presumably, some impulses and ideas are so incompatible with the More… 0.3 KB
37. Lateral thalamic nucleus a large mass of cells bodies on the lateral aspect of the thalamus. The nuclei are important relay stations for incoming sensory impulses.
38. Lateral thinking Lateral thinking is a term coined by Edward de Bono, a Maltese psychologist, physician and writer. It first appeared in the title of his book New Think: The Use of Lateral Thinking, More… 0.8 KB
39. Lateralisation The term for the process assumed to take place in the BRAIN which results in each of the CEREBRAL HEMISPHERES specialising in particular psychological operations.
40. Laterality Literally 'sidedness'; preferring either the left hand or foot, for instance, for a task that can be accomplished with either left or right limb.
41. Latin square a type of experimental design that provides for as many trials as there are experimental conditions. Each subject is exposed to all conditions, but for the purposes of controlling order of More… 0.3 KB
42. Lauren Alloy is a professor of psychology at Temple University recognized in the area of mood disorders. Her research focuses on cognitive, interpersonal, and biopsychosocial processes in the onset and More… 0.5 KB
43. Lauren B Alloy is a professor of psychology at Temple University recognized in the area of mood disorders. Her research focuses on cognitive, interpersonal, and biopsychosocial processes in the onset and More… 0.5 KB
44. Law of combination the generality that two or more stimuli presented together or in close succession may combine to elicit response. 2- the generality that two or more responses that are made either More… 0.3 KB
45. Lawrence Barsalou born on Nov 3, 1951 in San Diego (California), is a psychologist and a cognitive scientist. He received a bachelors degree in Psychology from the University of California, San Diego in 1977, More… 1.1 KB
46. Lawrence Kohlberg (Oct 25, 1927 – Jan 19, 1987), an American psychologist born in Bronxville, New York, He was a professor at the University of Chicago, as well as Harvard University. Known for his research More… 0.8 KB
47. Laws of association laws of association The principle underlying the connections in the MEMORY between certain ideas, feelings or behaviours. Aristotle made the first formulation of these principles in the More… 0.2 KB
48. Lay community counsellor Lay counselors are members of the community who are trained to provide a specific service or to perform certain limited activities. The concept of lay / community counselors is not new. A More… 2.1 KB
49. Learned helplessness learned helplessness The idea that animalsand peoplewho havepreviously been in a situation where they could not avoid being punished learn that they are helpless, and continue to react More… 0.3 KB
50. Learning disability In the United States and Canada, the terms learning disability, learning disabilities, and learning disorders (LD) refer to a group of disorders that affect a broad range of academic and More… 1.4 KB

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Psychology Dictionary Terms